Success stories: Zika and Amelie

During our vacation on Pico/Azores we, my daughter Amelie and I, had the opportunity to visit the local dog shelter. We were warmly welcomed by all the dogs and each and every one of them wanted attention and to be petted.
My daughter remained sitting in front of a dog kennel where there were two dogs, one of them was a little more shy and more reserved but happy for every touch. To this dog, Zika, she had an spontaneous connection and the the two of them got along immediately.

When we had to leave my daughter couldn’t get Zika out of her head. She would have loved to take her with her. Even days after our vacation she often spoke of Zika. I thought about it a lot and weighed all the sides. I phoned with the animal help Tierhilfe Phoenix, who bring dogs from the Azores to Germany for adoption, and countless times and finally decided to listen to my heart and my gut instincts and decided to adopt Zika.

Dania and her colleagues set everything in motion and took all necessary measures to ensure that Zika got on the last flight to Frankfurt on 1.10.2018.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! We’ll never forget your help with Zika.

When I picked up Zika at the Frankfurt Airport at 6am on 2.10.2018, I had tears in my eyes. After a few hours at home Zika felt more and more confortable and she looked so happy.

We were so proud to adopt Zika and have her in our family! She is such a beautiful and lovely dog. We can’t imagine life without her.

Special thanks to Dania and her Team!

Thomas, Amelie, Zika and Ella (our first dog)


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