Kiara, a happy ending!

run over, abandoned and finally adopted: this is the story of Ariel, currently Kiara… a story of hope!

It happened this year, on November 2nd. A young, tiny dog was run over next to a primary school in the council of S. Mateus. Due perhaps to the shock of the impact, she disappeared from sight of those who witnessed the accident. She was then found in a nearby field, lying in a tangle of dry vegetation, in pain.

the dog under shock

Thanks to the intervention of a teacher from that school, who contacted Pico Dogs, the dog was rescued and taken to Quatro Patas Veterinary Clinic. After medical examination, luckily, she was found not to have suffered any major physical injury.

Receiving medical care

When her tutor was found and informed of what had happened, he did not want to recognize her as his own, abandoning her on the most dramatic moment of her life. While searching for a new foster family, Ariel, a name lovingly chosen at Quatro Patas Vet Clinic, remained at the dogs “hotel” for almost a month, with all expenses covered by Pico Dogs. With no perspective of an adoptive family at the horizon and her future being uncertain, Pico Dogs launched constant appeals for help, looking for a temporary or permanent solution.

When hope was fading and discouragement set in, Ariel’s life changed drastically… for the better!

When Geisy found out about Ariel, she immediately fell in love with her sweetness and decided to keep her as life companion. Ariel’s adoption became reality and, in a peaceful new environment, she was named Kiara. Upon receiving the well-deserved love she sought of, she starts to give back even more.

After a troubled beginning, Kiara could not have hoped for a greater act of love than this – finally being finally part of a truly loving family.

Kiara’s story is the story of many dogs, who find themselves in the risk of being run over when they escape from home or when they are abandoned to their fate. In these cases, helpers are examples of great sensitivity and good civic sense.

It is also a reminder that the flame of hope must always remain lit. Even in the midst of a sad event, with setbacks and no immediate solution, there is always the possibility of seeing a happy ending on the faint line of the horizon!

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